The new theme parks want children to visit and play with machines and then stay in the industry

Dig World is the only building theme park in Texas that specifically targets children. Its aim is to lure children into an industry that desperately needs more workers.

But would anyone really pay their kids to operate construction equipment?

That’s the qion Jacob Robinson, North Dakota asked himself. He’s the co-founder of dig the world, in Katy, Texas, just ode Houston.

When he first opened the park, so many people came, the small park was crowded with people, and the tourists waited for a long time.

Robinson, North Dakota realized he had to think bigger. He and his partner decided to close up shop and buy more equipment, so we made a tough decision, and we said, “Hey, listen, we’re going to stop now,”and we returned all the tickets to people who had already bought them, and we said, “Come back later,”and we offered to reschedule,”he said.

On opening day, there were three mini excavator. They bought a dozen more.

After four years of construction, the park offers children the opportunity to operate construction equipment such as excavators, taxiways, steering gear and ATVs.

An excavator is a machine with a bt at the end of a long arm. They can excavate, dismantle, lift and move heavy objects and so on.

It seems dangerous for some parents to let their children operate such a big machine. But, Robinson, North Dakota explains, the excavators of the world, by far the most popular, are restricted for safety reasons.

He said, “They’re perfectly still, just moving left and right a little bit, up and down a little bit,”so no matter how timmy operates the machine, most of them are already off, so they can’t move it.

Although children are the main focus and adults seem to enjoy playing with the machine. “At the front door.

I had a grandmother who made it clear that she had no intention of driving the machines, and 30 minutes later, I was helping her drive an excavator.”She had the best time of her life, he said.

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But it’s not just for fun. DIG The world, work with Robinson, North Dakota’s Alma Mater, Texas A&M University. “

When we bring our children here for field trips and different activities, we will teach them the cos developed by a & M students and professors,”he said of the agreement. “

We now have a partnership with the Houston Mayor’s office to bring all these schools in so we can teach them these lessons and then put them on the machine,”he added. “So our park is only open on weekends during the school year, so we can do a lot of field trips in a week. Our goal is to get kids excited about the construction industry,”Robinson, North Dakota said, he wanted to use the park to familiarize children with the building experience, break any stigma in the construction industry, and inspire them to explore the many options that the industry offers to future workers.

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Robinson says the problem is affecting the digg world.”

I mean, the project was delayed because we couldn’t find a suitable replacement. Ironically, we’re building an architectural theme park. We had a problem building this place, right “It’s a national problem,”he said.

Earlier this year, a construction industry publication estimated that more than half a million construction workers were needed to meet demand in the United States.

Future plans for mining the world include working with local caterpillar dealers, where people can get certified in construction equipment. Excavating the world has a long-term goal of creating ten similar parks across the country.

Robinson, North Dakota said he expects 100,000 visitors in the first year of excavations.

For now, Robinson, North Dakota says, the park’s best reward is to see the kids’eyes light up. “Watching kids operate these machines, their eyes get bigger, and they’re really in control. “It was an explosion,”he said.

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